JNTE 2022, from november 28 to december 2, Besançon

FEMTO ENGINEERING participates in the National Days on Emerging Technologies in Micro-Nanofabrication, School of Micro-Nanotechnologies (JNTE 2022) from November 28 to December 2 in Besançon. This is an opportunity to present our work on optical frequency converters and our possibilities for manufacturing custom PPLN structures. In particular, we offer domain inversion on niobate and lithium […]

Visit us at booth #18 EFTF-IFCS conference in Paris from April 24th to 28

FEMTO Engineering will be pleased to welcome you on our booth #18 at EFTF-IFCS 2022, to present you our new results on ultrastable frequency synthesis in radio-frequency and microwave domains. You will also find you ULISS the ultra-stable oscillator and our expertise for measuring phase noise and frequency stability. FEMTO Engineering will highlight its skills […]

Design of low-noise frequency synthesizer chains

FEMTO Engineering develops low-loise frequency synthesizer for the radio-frequency and microwave domains. Our teams specialize in the design of this equipment, in particular for the ultra-stable cryogenic oscillator ULISS. Their know-how guarantees you to generate a signal at the frequency necessary for your needs without degrading the performance of your reference oscillator.We offer to you […]